Sunday, June 21, 2009

Rose Breasted Grosbeak

BREEDING: Deciduous forest, woodland, second growth. 1 or 2 broods. Mating system is monogamous.

DISPLAYS: Courtship: male sings in flight pursuit of female; male crouches, spreads and droops wings with tail spread and slightly elevated, retracts head with nape against back; male sings and waves head and body in erratic dance.

NEST: Loosely built of twigs, coarse plant material, lined with fine twigs, rootlets, hair. Cup shaped nest, 5-15 feet above the ground. Male may select site. Female builds nest with help from male.EGGS: 3-5 pale green, blue, or bluish-green, marked with browns, purples; usually wreathed or capped. 1.0" (25 mm).

CHICK DEVELOPMENT: Both sexes incubate. Incubation takes 13-14 days. Development is altricial (immobile, downless, eyes closed, fed). Young leave the nest after 9-12 days. Both sexes tend young.

DIET: Insects, seeds, fruit, buds. Including some flowers. Occasionally gleans from ground.

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